Jewelry switch up!
Here's your reminder to clean your jewelry and ears! 😄 Just cleaned and switched my set up to super aggressive on one side and bubbly and pretty on the other. The plan is to add 2 more conch spikes on the rad ear. And then a triple forward helix with pearls on the bubbly side. Thoughts? New conches coming first then forward helix after I confirm my anatomy will support all of my big, bright ideas.
Here's your reminder to clean your jewelry and ears! 😄 Just cleaned and switched my set up to super aggressive on one side and bubbly and pretty on the other. The plan is to add 2 more conch spikes on the rad ear. And then a triple forward helix with pearls on the bubbly side. Thoughts? New conches coming first then forward helix after I confirm my anatomy will support all of my big, bright ideas.