Pretty sure my navel piercing is rejecting

Hi all! I got this piercing at the beginning of November, 2024. It still has the original jewelry I was pierced with in, a barbell internally threaded I have yet to downsize it at all.

I clean it with saline spray (and a q tip if needed) and wash with very gentle soap.

I also have h-eds and am prone to scarring so I knew way ahead of time it would scar! I also have very stretchy / fragile skin so not sure if what’s going on is just that or actual rejection. I do also have kinda poor healing but managed to heal an industrial with no issues at all. This is my first body piercing so I have been babying it and super worried.

I do think it might be rejecting… pls lmk if that’s whats happening or if I just need to downsize.

Sorry for bad lighting but first picture is it now and second picture is it like a month or so in?