Pokémon TCG Collector's Checklist v10.1: Surging Sparks, additions, corrections, bug fixes, and more!

Hey everyone! Surging Sparks is out today! A new set means an update to the workbook.

In case you missed it last time, a huge new feature was added with 10.0! I have added a much requested Card Search function! This new worksheet allows you to grab every instance of a Pokémon, Trainer, or Energy and bring your collection data for that query to one convenient place. This is perfect for anyone who collects a specific Pokémon. The worksheet even allows you to update your collection right then and there and copy your updates back to the rest of the workbook!

As always, I thank you for your support and the users out there that help me so much with this huge task.

  • A special shout out to /u/jab2004 who was the original creator and maintainer of this workbook.
  • With 10.1, /u/Tall-Blacksmith-9796 has again helped me with a ton of additions missed, fixes, and more!

As with every release, I tried to correct a lot of omissions and errors that were reported to me since the previous release. If you find anything amiss, please let me know!


If you're just jumping in or if you've been with me from the start, definitely make sure to check out the User Guide tab and read the instructions. I hope it makes things pretty clear. Don't be afraid to ask me questions! Same goes for the Card Search worksheet. There are instructions there, but please reach out if things aren't clear enough!



The following changes and additions have been made:

  • Added - Surging Sparks

  • Updated - SV Black Star Promos (163-165, 167-173)
  • Updated - Jumbo Cards, added Lycanroc ex, Aegislash ex, Decidueye ex
  • Updated - Additional Cards, added Honedge and Doublade Cosmos Holofoils, Surging Sparks Build & Battle Exclusives, Surging Sparks store exclusives, Terapagos ex Premium Collection Energy Cards

Corrections below are credit to /u/Tall-Blacksmith-9796

  • Correction - Multiple worksheets, many cards were not listed as Secret Rares when they should have been (see Team Rocket Returns, Deoxys, Emerald, Unseen Forces, Mysterious Treasures, and Stormfront)
  • Correction - Majestic Dawn, Turtwig (78) was listed as Uncommon instead of Common
  • Correction - Multiple Worksheets, many cards were not listed as ACE Rares when they should have been (see Boundaries Crossed, Plasma Storm, Plasma Freeze, and Plasma Blast)
  • Correction - Ultra Prism, added HP value (60) for Unidentified Fossil

Note: The following updates will cause copying from previous workbooks to get messed up on these worksheets.

Most below are credit to /u/Tall-Blacksmith-9796

  • Updated - XY, added version differences for Vivillon (Meadow and High Plains versions) at rows 18-19
  • Updated - SM Black Star Promos, added Build-A-Bear Workshop Pikachu SM86 at row 119
  • Updated - SV Black Star Promos, added the Pokémon Center stamped Eevee for Prismatic Evolutions (row 252) which caused all promos below it to shift down one row
  • Updated - Jumbo Cards, added Terapagos ex (row 313), Zacian V and Luxray ex (rows 316-317)
  • Updated - Blister Pack Exclusives, added 3 2-Pack Blister cards (rows 211-213)
  • Updated - Additional Cards, added Kyogre (row 747), Ledian and Bouffalant (rows 760-761), Pikachu (row 765), 151 5-pack Mini Tins Bundle cards (rows 766-769), Ditto (row 770), and Vileplume (row 771)

Will be added in future update:

  • "Pokémon TCG Gym" and other stamped English cards released in Southeast Asian countries - a lot out there and very hard to catalogue right now
  • Eventually want to do major rework or error card worksheets


This Collection workbook supports card images through the use of Excel macros I have written.

In order to use this resource, you must have these card picture folders located in the same folder as the Collection workbook. You also need macros enabled in Excel. From there you should be good to go.

Mega Link to Card Pictures: No longer maintaining. Google Drive seems to work just fine.

Google Drive Link to Card Pictures: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1mcIqeXLY3wS8u8fRD0T7mcxnLzINgRBZ -- new main source, let me know if there are issues!

The link above includes at least the following:

  • All main set releases, including the latest set, Stellar Crown
  • All black star promos (with some SWSH and SV missing, for now)
  • Select other promos

I am definitely looking for feedback on these card images and let me know if you find any that aren't working the way they are supposed to, as there are a ton of images here!

If you have any questions/comments/concerns, please let me know. Most of all, have fun!