[US,US] [H] hits binder w alts, ex, and sealed [W] Trades/PayPal
Long time no see with a ton of new cards such as EX, etc! Looking to go after some wants and sell some cards that are taking up room in my binder! Trades or PayPal!
-rocket’s ex cards -ex cards -Groudon gold star -Groudon EX 106 FA -Team Magmas Groudon Ex -Primal Groudon EX shiny FA -Groudon hidden legend holo and 102/101 -Kyogre & Groudon legend -Team Magmas Groudon holo -Umbreon aquapolis -lugia aquapolis -sceptile ex -Umbreon ex -gengar ex -espeon ex -tyranitar ex -charizard ex -sceptile cards -ex deoxys stamped sableye, phanpy, donphan -dusknoir,dusclops, duskull shrouded fable -phanpy 205/191
Cards that I probably won’t get rid of: Lugia ex, holo Feraligatr, giratina alt