Genuinely pissed off. (sensitive topic warning).

Hello, this post is meant to showcase the mistreatment I have gone through during the past 2 weeks in the Hellspawn GC, with many events making me extremely upset.

Only the people listed are responsible and will be talked about, people who are not directly mentioned are not responsible.

Please do not harass anyone involved. I hope this will end soon. I additionally hope the people mentioned will change their behavior in the future.

To start, around 2 weeks ago I had been in a voice call inside of the r/fundamentalpaperedu discord server. I had noticed u/West_Weakness_7098 had joined.

I had asked West to not share my voice with the Hellspawn groupchat however he disregarded my requests and did so anyways.

Of course, not only was I very hurt by this, I was also made extremely uncomfortable with the way sexual comments about me being trans were made.

Before I came to tell them to stop talking about me being trans, they all decided to talk about it nonstop, and when I went to go call out the people who were involved (u/Beasy_peasy u/Godzilla_Chaos and u/West_Weakness_7098) I immediately got told by the groupchat mod, (u/DestructionSpreader) to switch topics.

Next, I'd like to talk about the Reddit AU that was planned. I was invited to the AU even though slots were already filled entirely. They had decided to remove Shaxx and make me Zip.

Shaxx was removed because she wasn't in the fandom anymore, although bluejay was ∆lice even though she left aswell.

A joke about Bluejay x Rikter being canon in the AU was made. This made me upset since not only did they not ask bluejay for any permission, but they also decided to ship her with a person who she wasn't even friends with.

I asked the owner (u/Pozitox) about the weird inclusions and decisions and they responded by telling me that nobody would care what Bluejay would think because she left the fandom. Bluejay herself later stated that she was uncomfortable and didn't even want to be included.

A few members even attempted to basically gaslight me into believing I wanted to be Zip.

After me and Vivian talked about the problems we had with the AU like nobody asking for permission, I was removed from the AU all together despite never asking. Pozitox then tried to gaslight people into making them think we didnt want to be in it.

I tried to call them out for what they did in hellspawn but I got two warnings from DestructionSpreader.

u/Pozitox also spread false accusations about me, including saying that we had threatened them, which we literally never did. When asked him to stop talking about me, He continued dragging the drama, and I did nothing in response.

The past 2 weeks had affected me a lot, and have made me uncomfortable to even be around certain people in discord.

All of this is an example of mod abuse and multiple people failing to take accountability multiple times.