Who are generation 2's most forgotten Pokémon?

(Old) I am doing a Pokémon Crystal challenge where I have to only pick the forgettable Johto mons to fill my party with. I am not taking the stuff added to these old pokémon lines in newer games into account, only the popularity they had pre sword and shield.

(New) I am no longer doing the challenge run because I have realized, somehow, all and none of gen 2's pokémon are considered forgettable by x number of people. I can't do a challenge with 0 and all at the same time XD. From now on the list will be 100% based on what the most common picks are in the comments.

Skarmory, Smeargle, Slugma/Magcargo, Remoraid/Octillery, Hoothoot/Noctowl, Sentret/Furret, Hoppip/Skiploom/Junpluff, Politoed and Bellossom

Is there a pokémon you believe should or shouldn't be on this list? How common is for you to use these silly monsters?