I finally understood why Pokémon Games look so flat!

its because the games are missing "AMBIENT OCCLUSION" which is when two object are close or touching it make a black over lay (also in corners and indentation in a wall) see image below. And ambient occlusion is NOT affected by light before anybody says it and it makes everything seem like it not touching and just weirdly placed here. And NO i am not saying the game looks bad, just that it could get really good just with that. And for anybody saying that you can smell the pixels on the walls in the games, just look at games like "Outer Wilds" that if you look closely the game looks bad but the ambiance is SO GOOD that you don't even look at the textures but in pokemon that the only you can do since there is no ambiance, no immersion. But thats just my opinion and give me your thoughts about that 😁


https://imgur.com/a/tiHrXqe this one the reddit deleted for some reason...