Catch rate ruins the entire Unova Tour

I have all platinum type medals and am able to golden razz, curveball excellent everything, but the catching experience is tedious. More casual players I know/observe are definitely having a hard time to enjoy the event. Especially after the last GO Fest and GO Wild Area, it sucks to go back catching Legendary without any boost in big event.

I understand not every time Niantic can pull things like Beast Ball and GO Safari Ball because of lore reason. Then you can just increase the catch rate of the featured Legendary. The Hoopa Raid Day proved this possible as you could see its catch ring is a bit more orange than normal.

Also, the regular Pokemon have bad catch rate: Minccino, Joltik, Venipede, Foongus, Emolga and more. If Niantic sees this post, there is still time for you to boost the catch rate of Unova mon to save the Day 2 of the Tour.

EDIT: It seems that my point is not clear to some people. I am not saying Kyurem run away, I actually never miss one! I am saying Unova Tour not having catch boost like the last GO Fest and GO Wild Area sucks.