First straight flush in dream scenario
Not shown in the pic is K6d. I am on the button. The turn brings in a flush for all 3 of us. Villain in EP shoves his short stack for ~$200 (A4d). MP villain tanks for a while and then finally puts in the call. I go all in to try and Iso vs EP with ~$800 and get snap called. At this point I know I’m behind and start praying the poker gods let me drill my open ended straight flush draw— lo and behold I bunk the 2 outer and my night went from really shit to me having the craziest hand in my career! Pot ended up being ~$2200 (1/2NL)
Not shown in the pic is K6d. I am on the button. The turn brings in a flush for all 3 of us. Villain in EP shoves his short stack for ~$200 (A4d). MP villain tanks for a while and then finally puts in the call. I go all in to try and Iso vs EP with ~$800 and get snap called. At this point I know I’m behind and start praying the poker gods let me drill my open ended straight flush draw— lo and behold I bunk the 2 outer and my night went from really shit to me having the craziest hand in my career! Pot ended up being ~$2200 (1/2NL)