Would these heels be good for a beginner?

Hello! Been poling for about a year now and I'm looking for a beginner pair of heels; not necessarily for exotic dancing, moreso to practice upperbody strenght and to have cleaner lines/longer legs in moves. I prefer the look of boots over sandals & I'm hesiting between 7 and 8 inches... Leaning towards 7 inches since I’m inexperienced. Any advice is appreciated!

Hello! Been poling for about a year now and I'm looking for a beginner pair of heels; not necessarily for exotic dancing, moreso to practice upperbody strenght and to have cleaner lines/longer legs in moves. I prefer the look of boots over sandals & I'm hesiting between 7 and 8 inches... Leaning towards 7 inches since I’m inexperienced. Any advice is appreciated!