Custom engraved handcuffs
What’s up fellas! Started year 9 of my career back in January. Have had good days and bad days, easy days and hard days just like anyone else. Not looking for a pitty party but want to be able to relate to people. About a year or so ago I went through a shit spell and felt burnt out with my career even though I held (and still do) a few pretty respectful titles and positions. SWAT, DRE, and FTO for a few guys.
I ended up coming across metal engraving and think it’s kept me busy and in a good mindset on my days away from work when I’m able to enjoy it. Probably because it’s productive and time consuming but that’s fine. I’ve pretty much focused on handcuffs and think I’m finally at the point of being confident enough in my skills to sell some customized cuffs. I mainly use nickel Peerless but S&W and Hiatt are an option as well. S&W just has more factory markings than Peerless that are still visible once engraved.
I have a couple other designs that are similar to the one pictured but contain different scroll work. I’m able to make them with one banner or the pictured two banner. Badge numbers fit perfect in the small banner and last names/agency abbreviations are perfect in the larger one. I can also do them in any font you’d like.
I’ve found similar deep engraved cuffs online for $250-300 which is absolutely insane to me. I’ll find the website and send it to anyone that’s interested but it’s of no affiliation to me. I’m looking to get $150 per set of cuffs, either one or two banner. I’ll put whatever numbers/names in them before being sent out. Or if you want blank ones that’s fine too. Each pair takes me approximately 6 hours to complete.
This will probably flop and go nowhere, but having that mindset won’t get you anywhere. Feel free to message me with any questions. Thank you for the read.