Reading the uneducated and misinformed posts/comments in the poodle mix subs is a painfully cringe experience
I cannot deal with these people actually believing that their 25% whatever breed somehow makes them superior to poodles, when they obviously wanted 75% of poodle traits. seriously, what is that 25% doing? probably nothing. maybe soothing their ego because they're too insecure to admit they want a poodle? you'll see people saying they got a mix over a poodle because their husband doesn't like poodles. it's giving insecure masculinity. thank goodness they have that 25% mixed in to make it a manly dog husband approves of. /s
and them thinking mix's have "cuter" hair, when its just a different haircut and unshaved faces. they always talk crap on continental cuts. like, can they just admit they have no appreciation for the finer things in life? continentals are fabulous. i understand not wanting that cut for a pet, but you'll never convince me its "ugly."
also them thinking the tails look better, when it looks exactly the same as my undocked poodle's tail.
them not realizing poodles are also retrievers.
the amount of people doing zero research before purchasing dogs from sketchy online ads and puppy mill brokerage websites, then recommending their breeder to others because their dog is "so cute" so therefore it must be good.
any time their dog has a behavior problem or negative trait, they ALWAYS blame the poodle genetics. they never blame their own training (which is most likely the cause) or the fact they bought from an unethical breeder. ive seen them call poodles high-strung, unfriendly, yappy, aggressive, not cuddly.....all things anyone who ACTUALLY has poodles would laugh at because its so ridiculously false! poodles are everything you could ever want in a dog...truly, the only downside is grooming. my spoo is so friendly with big dogs, little dogs, even cats. she cuddles me every night and wants to lay on or with me during the day. she rarely barks unless shes trying to protect me. shes so well behaved, but can also be super active and fun when it's time to be. she swims, rides my paddle board, does agility....she does it all! when she was attacked by another dog, she did not fight at all, she is nothing but a sweetheart. half of it was training and the other half was just being a great breed with good temperament. every poodle ive ever met is amazing, i have no idea where these claims come from. i think these people just want something to blame other than themselves.
i mean on one hand, im glad poodles are not as popular, because if they find out how good poodles really are, they'll jack up the prices. on the other hand, it's just soooo cringe the amount of people who do no research on dogs, breeding, genetics, or either of the breeds they want mixed together. so many CLUELESS people in those subs. i can't imagine getting a dog without researching first. i OBSESSIVELY researched for YEARS before getting my dog and i still have a lot left to learn. thank u for coming to my ted talk