Just need to vent about money for a minute

I'm so sick of having to pay for literally everything. My partner's mother passed away suddenly last month. She had no savings, no life insurance, and a mountain of debt.

We had to pay to store her body while his family made the decision to cremate her. We then had to pay to transfer her to a morgue. We had to pay for a cardboard box to put her body in to cremate her. Funerals have expenses.

Not to mention their house is about to be foreclosed on. We have to figure out something to do with him once the bank finally decides to take action.

Then this morning my partner went to start laundry and our washer is broken. We live in an apartment, but we had to buy our washer and dryer because it only came with hookups. We had a warranty on them, but those expired like, 2 years ago. My partner spent almost 6 hours trying to fix it to no avail, and spilled a bunch of water on the carpet in the process. So he's going through it to say the least.

Meanwhile we're both having pretty visual breakdowns because we know there's no money to fix this right now. I'm furiously searching local repair companies and their quotes to literally just LOOK at the damn thing is nearly $200. That's not including repairs.

I'm so tired of not having money. Neither of us have jobs currently, but we are both actively looking and have been for 3 years now. I'm so tired of struggling and crying all the time because of it :(