Should I start a powerbuilding program as a late beginner / new intermediate?
I have been lifting for 7 months now and have been getting progressively stronger doing a 6 day ppl split. I do bench twice a week, once 5x5, once close grip 3x6-8, deadlift once a week 4x4 and squat once a week 5x5 while doing lighter deadlifts and squats on my squat and deadlift days, respectively. My bench has plateaued a bit but I’m adding 10 pounds to deadlift every week and my squat is getting better as well. Should I start the Jeff Nippard powerbuilding program or just keep going until I reach true plateaus on all 3 exercises? My concern is that the program calls for using a %of1RM, which are typically lighter and for less volume than the weights I am using in my current routine.