Sudden bruising durring pregnancy?
12w4d (They/them please)
First baby, had a few early miscarriages before this baby, so far been healthy and good. Yesterday I noticed a bruise on the inside of my leg, a couple inches below my knee. Bluish green and fairly light and small. We had had a pool day with my almost 4yo nephew the day before so dispight not remembering any sort of injury, I just assumed I didn't notice a bump and went on with my day. But today it's much larger and darker and about 2 inches across, but still doesn't feel tender at all but is starting to look quite nasty.
Is this a known complication or a warning sign I need to get something checked out? I have an OB appointment coming up in just over a week, if it is something worrisome, is it something that can wait till then or should I call him tommorow and ask to be seen sooner? I just had a bunch of blood work done and we're supposed to go over results of that and my 12w sonogram at the upcoming appointment.
I've also had some transient localized numbness in the other leg that I'm assuming is coming from some pinched nerves that I'm planning on bringing up at that appointment as well, but I've had some SI joint instability and pinched nerves from that since before getting pregnant so I'm not as concerned that it's something big to be worried about, but most likely just an existing issue being exacerbated by the pregnancy.
The bruising however I'm a bitore concerned about. I've also noticed it's been taking longer for little nicks/paper it's etc to stop bleeding and google is just giving me a lot of spooky stuff so I figured I'd ask some other pregnant folks to see if y'all might have any good advice. Thanks in advance y'all.