Do you post your baby on social media?
Almost all my friends post their babies on their social media. Stories, videos, photos, some more than others, but their faces are on their page nonetheless.
I see how tempting and easy it would be to post your baby but I have conflicting feelings about it at 17 weeks pregnant. It would be harder to keep family and friends from posting them, but seems worth the fight to me?
My thing is that you don’t know who in your circle could be a pedo. I only have about 1,500 followers on my private IG/FB accounts but I don’t know if the person I know from HS is a pedo???
I’d love everyone’s opinions on why you are/aren’t posting your child. I need to have this convo with family if we’re going to commit to it and also would like to know how hard it has been to keep other people from posting as well if you commit to keeping them off of it. Thanks!!