What was your first HCG result?

Hi all!

I just found out I am pregnant! Got a faint positive on 9dpo and my BFP yesterday (on my birthday!! Like what?!). Today I called to schedule the first ultrasound and due to my prior chemical in July, my OB wanted to have my HCG and progesterone checked.

My HCG came back at 43 and progesterone 31. According to the range they gave me on the results page, it has the range starting at approximately 45. Mine is so close. I am about 3+4 along. When the office calculated my due date, they estimated 4+0 but I think they left the cycle length at 28 when mine is usually 31-33 (31 the last two months). I am hoping that since I’m not actually 4+0, that 43 is a good first number. Obviously I’ll know more when I talk to my doctor tomorrow and go in for another draw.

Trying so hard not to spiral but it is SO hard. I already love this little ball of cells so much 🥹 My progesterone is a really good number and that makes me happy. My 11dpo cheapie line is already darker than my 15dpo line from the chemical (the darkest it ever got) and that makes me happy.

Does anyone have positive stories from similar HCG? Please send me them all! I know I can’t be the only one stressing about their results right now.

TIA ❤️