OB weight shaming.
I’m not really sure where to begin with this other than I am 29 weeks and 4 days in my pregnancy and I went to the OB yesterday and immediately he started with talking about my weight. For reference , I have PCOS and was on metformin for weight loss bc it also regulated my insulin levels and without it I had a very hard time losing weight as it was. I was 180 before pregnancy and 5’1 and have gained 36 lbs since the start of the pregnancy. To put it this way , I’m not an idiot. I know that I am overweight that is not the issue. I was constantly working on it before pregnancy , eating good, and even went to boxing fitness class regularly snd was doing good. I know its still a problem though.The issue is how my OB brought it up , its at the point my fiancé is urging me to change OB’s bc he too thinks he went too far. OB told me I am overweight and that I would hurt my baby and it will be my fault if i dont get it together saying the babys shoulder will get stuck and it could create complications if i dont change my eating habits.Obviously as a hormonal pregnant woman , i started crying and being upset at this to which he responded “i find it concerning you are crying right now , I need you to tell me why” and when I explained that the way he worded that was hurtful he said “do you want a OB that lies to you? Anyway what did you eat yesterday” which made it worse. i am an EMT i dont always have access to super healthy food and sometimes we get ran so much i cannot stopp snd microwave food let alone the no refrigerator problem , to which i explained and started crying again and asked for his advice. He told me “just do better” followed by “are you really crying over chips?” (Chips were NEVER mentioned by the way) I cant stop worrying now and I feel horrible about myself and that I failed as a mother already.
Edit: For further reference , I eat bad stuff sometimes but he also told me to reduce how much protein im eating which i thought baby needed. Told me to only strictly eat bland foods. I also lift patients all day and walk ALOT during work. I dont just sit around and be lazy.