Am I being a baby about my symptoms?

I'm 6w4d with hopefully my 2nd healthy baby, but my god - the nausea is kicking my butt. I can't even function properly. I haven't thrown up but I get waves upon waves of feeling like I'm about to. I want to make myself throw up bc it might bring some relief? Unisom/b6 is not working like it did my first pregnancy and I feel like I'm not "sick" enough for a prescription med.

How do people power through this?! How are other working moms doing their job and i am being a lil beebee bc I am nauseous? I was almost happy my 19m had to stay home from daycare sick so I didn't have to work and just focus on them. My partner is supportive but can't take away this nausea. Any advice or solidarity rants welcome 🙏