Emergency car kit

First of all you should already have your vehicle loaded down with all the essentials but there’s a couple of things I’ve noticed that a lot of people over look. Road flares and a ACCESSIBLE bleed control kit. I watched a video the other day of a car breaking down on the interstate and getting hit over and over agin, a singe car accident turned into a 10+ car accident with severe injuries. A coupe of flares lit up lane could of literally saved lives. They also have other uses such as lighting a fire or signaling you can’t miss them day or night. Amazon has a set of 3 3 packs of 15 minute flares for 30 bucks or 1 3 pack for 16 there is no reason not to carry a few. On to the next point, an accessible bleed control kit. If you don’t know what I’m talking about please start there and go get you one, they generally consist of a tourniquet, hemostatic gauze, and a good bandage to hold it all together. This is what you use in a situation when you or someone else is bleeding out. If a major artery is hit it takes mere minutes to bleed out and die. This kit should be somewhere accessible from the drivers seat, you can have your main first aid kit in the truck of your car but if you get in a accident and are pined or seconds count and your bleeding to death you don’t have time to get out pop the truck and dig around in a big first aid bag with bandaids and foot powder and Tylenol. If you don’t have one already a good place to look is the website North American rescue and for the love of everything holy don’t go buy a knock of tourniquet from Amazon to save a few bucks. Thanks for those who stayed to the end of this long winded post. It’s wild how many people over look this kind of stuff but we all have to start some where. Knew a guy with food, water, clothes, a gun and all kinds of other shit but had no medical, that stuff doesn’t help when a random piece of road debris goes through your windshield and you bleed out on the side of the road with all you nice gear.