Help with my path to becoming a therapist in Ireland

I'm a psychology postgraduate, wanting to be a therapist/counsellor. It appears my qualifications aren't enough to get any psychology related job, so I am thinking about going back into education, specifically counselling. However, when doing research on postgraduate courses, I am seeing mixed information. One masters in Dublin business school says that their 2 year psychotherapy course mixed with another 2 year psychotherapy course, meets the minimum 4 year requirements for professional accreditation. However other places, such as ICHAS masters in psychotherapy claims that their 2 year masters degree is enough. I personally would hate to have to do two more masters degrees on top of what I already have, just to become a therapist. I would really appreciate if someone could provide a clear vision for my road to becoming a therapist.

For context, I have done a three-year PSI accredited bachelor's degree in Applied Psychology at the national college of Ireland and a 1 year full time MSc in Applied Psychology in Dublin business school. I currently work in a social care setting, supporting adults with autism and other intellectual disabilities.