In a Masters program right now, looking to go Doctoral after finishing... feels like I'm losing my mind. Any advice?

Hi all. I'm currently in my second year of a three-year Masters program right now for clinical psychology. A couple years ago when I was applying, I tried for several PsyD and PhD programs, but in the end this Masters program was the only one that accepted me, so I took it. I thought that it wouldn't make a big difference, since I mostly wanted to go the therapy track to begin with, but after taking a class about clinical interviewing and appraisals, I've found I really enjoy it, and I know I'll need a doctorate in order to pursue that part of my career. The problem is, the process of going from masters to doctorate is so complex that I feel like I'm just wasting my life even being here.

I'm 25. I know that's not exactly old, but it's already taken me longer than I wanted just to get here, thanks to both the pandemic and my own ineptitude keeping me from applying effectively when I finished my undergrad. I'm told doctorate programs don't accept any masters credits, so I'm basically going to be starting over anyway. It just feels like I'm going to be in a constant cycle of doing classes and barely scraping by, unable to actually work and live my life until I'm in my mid 30s at this rate. I don't have any research experience, and if I want to actually do the job I want to do (therapy), it feels like I'll never be able to get any either. What do I even do? It all just feels so hopeless.