Media Psychology - Education & Career Prospects

Does anyone have experience studying it, or work in a job related to a mix of media & psychology, or technology & psychology?

I was originally looking into UX design and interested in how my knowledge of psychology could lend to being a good designer, but I found what I read of others' experiences in design to be more tech-focused than I'd like.

Anyways, I eventually came to media psychology, which I didn't even know was a thing, but seems like a great idea. It feels utterly relevant and like it could offer a wide range of possibilities in terms of employment, especially considering how saturated or low paying many other subfields of psychology are. Plus, it's fascinating. Since it is a new field though, it seems pretty limited in terms of current grad programs offered, the best of which I've found to be the programs at Fielding Graduate University (and two others I found in the Netherlands...?).

I would love to study it and use it to help nonprofits or NGOs be more effective, or be able to educate the public at large on the effects of media, the ways it can influence you, harm you, etc. Basically, I'd like to use it in a way that helps people.

What are others' thoughts on the field, if there are any, or thoughts on related paths that combine psychology with media and/or technology?