I accidentally shoved my scooter up a guy's ass and I feel sorry abt it
So basically I was driving on the footpath because I was running late. Yea, i know that was wrong of me and I am not proud of it but hey listen I had no choice. The traffic ahead was too much for me to handle and the footpath next to me was empty as fuck. But apparently the footpath was not "empty" in the sense that there was a guy walking on the footpath ofc as he should. But at first I did not see him cuz it was dark as hell. There were no streetbulbs and I couldnt see shit. I was trying to focus more on the footpath itself and was not paying attention to who or what was in front of me. And the next thing I know I shoved my frontwheel up a guy's ass. Initially, he looked back angrily but for some reason when we met our eyes, I saw or what I thought I saw was him gradually losing his anger and we held eye contact for a good 5 seconds before he turned back and started walking as if nothing had happened. I was left confused and didnt know what to say or do. I was wondering whether I Should call him back and say sorry or I should ride past him and forget this whole thing ever happened. I realized that I was the only rider in the footpath since all the other motorcycle riders in Aundh have enough decency to not ride on the footpath and it made me feel like a complete idiot. So i decided to say sorry to the guy but when i finally looked ahead i realized he was gone.
i know what i did was wrong. imma try to be a better person in life henceforth. I will make sure that i will follow traffic rules no matter how fast i wanna get somewhere. this incident sure has made introspect on my day-to-day actions that happen in a public setting and may involve other people getting hurt.