Puppy Potty Problems!

So I posted awhile back about my Samoyed girl that was a ball of crazy and I was regretful. I am so glad we didn’t return her to the breeder… she is amazingly sweet, lovey, and incredibly smart once you gain her trust.

The one thing we’re having a hard time with is her letting us know she needs to go potty. She goes outside for the most part, but that’s at our prompting. She has about 1-2 accidents a week where we just catch her squatting. We obviously get her outside immediately, but I think she’s not sure when or how to let us know she needs to go out? We bell trained my older dog, and he picked it up quickly. He’s always been a bark at the door kind of guy.

Any tips or ideas? For reference, she’s a Samoyed and going to be 5 months old next week.