What would you do?
So I have recently been put onto another project with a senior I have worked with a few times in the past (I am coming up on 3 years exp in April, about 18 months with this company). This project is an absolute nightmare to get to with traffic. The last week or 2 I have not been able to get in until after 9 (Having childminding problems right now so can’t leave at 6am to get there for 8. Today I had to WFH with no one to bring my kid to school or pickup). Just as I was logging off I get a phone call from my boss. Seemingly my manager has been complaining about my timekeeping. I found this very funny as the man is barely ever on site and when he is, he pissed home early every day because he needs to be there to let his kids in from school (oh the irony but he is a senior so that’s not any of my business). Anyway, my boss just asked me to give him a call back on it tomorrow (I’ve no idea why he called to tell me to call him tomorrow on it). Now, what should I do in this situation? I never added it up but I’ve done plenty of work over weekends and not to mention 4 Saturdays last year I worked so lads can work on site when no one else wanted to go in (I was never paid for these days nor did I ask for it, I don’t mind doing these things as they generally balance out for doctors appointments etc). They are right to be calling me out on it (I would) but I’m actually fuming a bit here. I feel like just telling them to shove the job up their holes but sadly I have dependents and would be screwed if I did that. I should say that me and my manager have always got on fairly well (I thought) so I’ve no idea what his problem is. What do you’s think?