Do you ever wonder if you're a narcissist?

I've only come to the painful revelation that my mother was in fact a narcissist. Went NC with her, but it's left me with some questions.

Did I inherit her NPD? Sometimes I'll see myself in some of the messed up stuff she does, and it seriously disturbs me. When I try to talk about this, I get told:

"True narcissists don't worry about being a narcissist."

  • I can't help but feel this isn't going to be the case for many.

Did anyone else begin to question themselves after going NC?

Edit: I have to thank everyone for sharing their stories, it's not an easy thing to be honest about with all the stigma surrounding it. What i've gathered from your responses is that; we can change, we are self aware, we are disturbed when we do wrong, and the real narcissists in our lives won't feel these things. Thank you for all of your advice on this topic.