Im sick of people with imaginary haters. If everyone dislikes you, it is likely you.

I understand people not liking you for no reason and dealing with jealousy. I’ve had my fair share of dealing with jealous people, violently nasty people for no reason, unnecessary comments, and much more. Everyone deals with nasty people. However im starting to run into more and more of these annoying people with their head far up their asses and think everyones out to get them. Like i have a friend for example—now im not the type of person to act funny or make weird comments towards people, but she gets offended by everything. She sent a post to me about growing up and peoples parents forcing them to have straight hair and perms. I proceeded to say “im so glad my mom never did me like that” and she said “ok let me go ahead and unsend this then” and when i asked her why she was like “idk i kinda feel like you tryna hate and humble brag on me and i dont like that”. Like HUH!? Idk why but that comment almost ruined my entire day. I dont even understand how some peoples brains make up stories like this that people are just hating or being malicious. The fact that i truly meant no harm, i simply just basically said i dont really relate to the post. But thats just one example of what i mean.

Also those people that swear everyones hating because nobody likes them. Every person i meet like that have the nastiest attitudes, the worst egos, and treat people like trash. There are only RARE instances where a great majority of people dislike someone, and that person is doing NOTHING wrong. Ive been in the predicament where almost everyone disliked me, looking bad i was loud, acted crazy, no filter, and antagonized people. All the people i meet with these “haters” do some of the same things. Like have you ever thought that maybe you are insufferable and THATS why no one likes you?!?.

People that post “yall stay hatin at the end of the day im up” “they praying on my downfall” “the haters stay watchin but—-LIKE WHO!? Like are yall schizo?? Who is hating? 😭😭. Like i keep dealing with people with this mentality and its really annoying. They are also really nasty in public and act very shady towards people and always carry a terrible attitude. I understand being bullied your whole life, im only 18 and TRUST ive been through hell with people, and dealing with jealousy because maybe you have something alot of people dont, but not everythings an insult or personal attack.