Online gaming has created a generation of hyper competitive, self absorbed, entitled, rude-ass guys IRL
On my soapbox here. All those obnoxious kids who started out their gaming days with online competitive play saying "you suck kek" "git gud" and all those mom jokes are now young adults who drink and socialize and go out in the world. Toxic gamers have always existed, but this is the very first generation that has spent their entire LIVES so far training themselves to be deliberate assholes, and they're now becoming adults. Doesn't anybody else see this? These guys who go around in "friends" groups when they're just being absolute dicks to each other 24/7, throw off really negative energy and give it out to everybody they can, acting like hot shit with huge main character syndrome, trying to start fights, easy to piss off, looking at women like second class citizens because they primarily exist within sausage parties where smacktalking women is smiled upon, acting like a gift to humanity... and all the fucking "bruh" talk. It's so annoying and they just look like a bunch of monkeys. Rant over.