Pease help I’m at a loss….3week board and train ruined my poor dog

My dog went away to board and train at what I thought was a very reputable training facility in Western VA. I spoke to the trainer a few times before pick up. Explained I rescued him from a home where the people just didn’t have time for him. I stated he is not aggressive at all. My primary goal in the training is that I would like him to have manners while walking, that he pulls nonstop even with a prong collar on. I also explained that inside the home he is reactive to animals on the TV and barks and tries to get at the TV. I stated he was not like that w the TV for the first 10months I had him it’s only been the last 7 months or so. (He’ll be 4 in May)

He went for training Dec 19, 2024. I got regular updates and videos, he was in the back yard training w his trainer and another dog was also in the yard training w the girlfriend of the trainer of my dog. No issues at all. Definitely a more suburban/country environment than where I live.

Fast forward 3 weeks later my dog comes home, there’s a 1.5 hour discussion overview with me and the trainer where he’s reading off his phone notes. He then goes and gets my dog out of his truck and brings him into my home. We then went for a very short walk of 4 blocks because it was freezing out (in Jan) and the trainer did not have a coat on. My dog was fine. Perfect gentleman. Next few days he was fine on walks. Then all of a sudden he is Cujo 2.0 reactive with any dog he sees on walks….. mind you never like that on walks before training. Just pulled nonstop. Then it gets worse…. I’m walking him at night thinking that may help w less dogs around he lunged at a person walking by us. He NEVER has done that ever. He always wants people to pet him.

I’ve contacted the trainer. Each time it’s a different excuse as to why he’s acting like this. That he didn’t act that way w him. That he needs a bigger house to live in, a bigger yard, a treadmill to wear him out before I walk him, he’s over stimulated, he’s resource guarding me, he’s being protective of me because I have rheumatoid arthritis….the best one ….. there’s something neurologically wrong with him. So the trainer says he’ll stop by my house in the next couple weeks when he’s dropping off another dog he had at his house for training. He comes to the house a few weeks ago to “see what’s going on cuz I guarantee he won’t act like that with me walking him” and guess what…. Dog came walking toward him… my dog went nuts…. Not once, not twice but three times three different dogs. The trainer then zapped him at level 9 the last time and he said it was to break his fixation. My dog let out a huge howl. Afterwards a couple days later I walked him…. I saw a dog on the other side of the street coming towards us before my dog saw him. I called my dog’s attention and threw some kibble on the ground and then we kept walking while the dog walked on the other side of the street. But then the next day… kibble didn’t even distract him…. He was right back to being super reactive lunging and growling.

I’m at a complete loss now what to do. The other day I had him sit while a car was pulling into a parking lot and he lunged at the car! I texted the trainer and his response was “I guess I could come get him this Saturday and bring him back here” wth….. obviously something has happened that my dog now has a ton of triggers at his local home environment which he did not have before he went to a more rural house in a more controlled area for training.

I don’t know what to do. I paid $3200 for this 3 week class and it has ruined my dog’s personality now. He’s even low grumbling at me when I go to put his collar on him before walks. I contacted the office of this training facility and of course no one has returned my emails or calls.