Any number crunchers want to offer their advice?

Im looking for some outside perspective on how to best proceed.

Me (43m) and my wife (45f) became accidental landlords 11 years ago when we moved to a larger home in a better school district. We lucked out and found a local non profit that provides half way type homes and they have been great tenants

When interest rates were low we ended up buying two more properties and renting them to the same non profit.

Next week we are closing on a 4th rental which the same non profit already occupies (bonus!)

We are paying cash for the closing and are debating about whether to do our usual refi and pull back out as much cash as we can to reinvest or use the increased cash flow to rapidly pay down the balances on our other mortgages.

Our goal is to at least partially retire in the next 10 years with no mortgages at all and live off our rental income

So, here’s the stats

We both work commission based jobs which we each average around $125kUSD

$900k balance in IRAs/401k/stock etc $450k cash before closing

Primary Principal $298k @ 2.625% Value $900k

Rental #1 Principal $152k @ 3.25% PITI/HOA $1,898 Rent $2,350 Value$400k

Rental #2 Principal $212k @ 3.375% PITI/HOA $1,535 Rent $2,000 Value $330k

Rental #3 Principal $176k @ 2.99% PITI/HOA $1,491 Rent $2,000 Value $375k

Rental #4 (in escrow) Contract price $300k Rent $2,750 Value $375k