Change my name
I 25(F) am African American. My first name is very telling that is black but my last name is an Asian name. I have a masters degree and years of experience in my field but still can’t find a job. I almost get automatically rejected every time. Even had an interviewer tell me he didn’t expect me to be black. Anyways my friend is telling me to change one letter of my name ( Example: Jada to Jade) and that will make me qualified to companies. Do you guys think this is true? If this is it is extremely upsetting. Does anyone have experience with this ? Did changing your name help ?
Edit- I did not expect to get this much traction on this post but I am very grateful I did. I am so sorry about some of these stories I have heard. I really hope there is change soon but there might not be. I will change my name on my resume and see where that gets me. But also I do understand the job market is hot trash so there are many other factors. All I want is a fighting chance. From the looks of it changing your name has worked for many people…
Edit- Also just because YOU haven’t experienced something doesn’t mean that OTHERS don’t experience it. Please be kind.