Is lying the only way to get anywhere?

I am having trouble finding a job. I do have a bachelor’s degree, but can’t find an entry level position. I am applying to many different places for roles that do not even need a degree like customer service roles. My family is saying just to lie that I have years of experience and get a job that way. I feel like that would be found out on background check and this would all be a waste of time. Faking experience does not seem like the right way to do things. This is not lying about say I worked at my family’s shop, they are saying just lie about around 5 years of experience in IT at companies I never worked for. This isn’t like I changed my title, I mean just never been there at all. While I do know some things, it is not 5 years' worth. They say that everyone is lying who cares and no one checks anyways. Wouldn’t the companies I “worked” for be called and then I would just be screwed? They would do a background check and just take away the job offer right? They say they know a couple people who this worked for years ago, so it’ll work for anyone. At this point, it is really annoying when asked about my job search and just get told to just lie. Maybe they are right, this is not a world that rewards morals. Lying to get anywhere seems like the best option at this point.