Offer letter wasn't what I was expecting & in offer limbo with another
I've been unemployed for 4 weeks. I received a job offer on Friday that was $15k less than what they advertised and told me throughout the interview process. They offered me $15k less than advertised with a $5k bonus in 90 days. I have until 12pm to accept. Obviously some money is better than no money, but I won't lie. I have a bad taste in my mouth before I even start.
I had a final interview for another company that is easily my first choice and a dream role for me. I received this email from the recruiter after the interview. I think it's a good sign, but I'm very in my head.
"I thought I'd follow up and give you some early feedback that came in. The team really enjoyed meeting with you today, and you remain one of our top candidates. Sounds like I should be able to share an update on a hiring decision by Monday EOD now.
Please let me know if that works with your timeline, and if you have any questions you'd like to chat through!"
Obviously I don't want to rush them, but I also don't want to miss out on the first job while waiting for a decision and then not have either.
What would you do?