Confessed to my crush and now things are weird M/25 F/20

So on my previous post I mustered up the courage to tell my crush that I have feelings for her. She confessed that she has the same feeling. I offered to take things slow with her. This was a week ago.

I want to ease her into this without rushing into a relationship because I myself am quite new to this as well. So I thought I didn’t want to overwhelm her with physical touch and so forth.

Yesterday I went on a walk with her at night. We bought some snacks and just sat at the park talking about all sorts of topics. Overall i got the impression that it went well, we were playfully nudging each other and so forth. One of the topics was about a co-worker and how she doesn’t know how to hug someone without feeling weird about it. She got cold and I kinda suggested it/offered I hug her (I thought I’d better off asking then making a fool of myself). She kinda laughed it off.

I ended up getting her number cause we use socials to talk. At the end of the night I go in for a hug and she rejects it and just does a fist bump/handshake which I found odd. She wished for me to get home safe. The morning after I message her number and I just thanked her for a good night and she hasn’t acknowledged it at all - continues a random conversation on socials. She also cancels plans I had with her today even though she agreed to them on the date night.

Anyone know why she could be going cold? Is it because I’m not escalating things quickly enough? Should I just give her space?