Found out girlfriend (26F) was sleeping around during early dating stage, and lied to me (25M). What should I do?


Just as a preface, I'm looking for genuine advice about how to handle this situation, I'm very open minded. What would you do in my position?

So, I've been dating my girlfriend for a year and a half, and everything has been going fantastic. First a story of how we met.

Initially, we had been set up by 2 friends, and had gone on 4 dates with each other. Nothing physical happened, I said I really liked her, but she hadn't felt that spark yet, and just liked hanging out with me for now since she was interested in me.

Afterwards, she had gone on a trip for 2 months to Africa that had already been planned, and I've just found out that she actually slept with 2 guys during that trip. Keep in mind, we were texting, and called a few times when she was away, and had made plans for when she came back.

When she came back, we started seeing eachother for another 2 months and then started dating afterewards.

Before we started dating, I asked if anything happened on her trip, and she said no. It's not like this would have been a deal breaker, to be honest I'm not sure, but I would have been definitely icky about it. She's told me she didn't say the truth, because she knew I wasn't a fan of casual sex, and she was embarrassed.

I've just found out about what actually happened, and I'm extremely hurt, and don't know what to do with myself. I can't seem to get over this, and don't really wanna throw this away.

She's been awesome trying to comfort me, and has been apologising profusely about the entire situation. I just can't help that I was lied to, and has brought up a lot of insecurities within myself. Eg (Was I just her second choice?).

I just can't get over the fact that she was Sleeping with other guys, who she had no interest in, while she was interested in getting to know me more, and wanted a relationship?

She's never made me question her faithfulness at all, and we've been preety solid. I just don't know how to get over these feelings, and I want to feel secure in my relationship again. I know we definitely care a lot about each other.

TLDR; Girlfriend was sleeping around during early dating, when she went on preplanned solo trip for a holiday. She lied about it before we started dating, and I just found out, and am very hurt. How to progress.