My (F28) husband (M26) complains about using condoms and now I have ‘the ick’. How do I get past this?
My husband and I have been together 7 years (married for 3). Our sex life has been decent. It’s had its ups and downs but generally we have a great time together. So last year, I had gotten my IUD out with the intention of starting a family. Due to many circumstances (job changes, mental health, finances and the like) that goal was put on a bit of a back burner, with multiple conversations with my husband about why and a general idea of when I’d feel comfortable for us to reassess. In that time, intimacy had definitely been scarce. When we started being intimate again, I told him we needed condoms as I was not up for putting IUD back (and wasn’t sure what BC I’d even want to try) at this time. We got them, no issue. Before we even started using them, anytime sex was brought up, comments including phrases like “you’re making me use condoms” and a very clear dislike of the idea under the guise of joking. And every time, I’d remind him Its not really funny and I’m not “making” him do anything. So the time finally came and we’re having a good time (foreplay). He sticks it in (I’m not facing him at this point) and it doesn’t FEEL like he has one on so I flat out ask. He says no, but he will go grab one in a sec and says he won’t come in me. I promptly remind him precum can have viable sperm and can cause pregnancy (though unlikely). So he goes to get one and we continue. The next time we’re in the middle of doing it (probably a little over a week later)he suggests anal; which I like but he’s not a fan of. I can count the number of times on 1 hand that we have done anal in the 7 years we have been together. He follows this prompt up with the notion of not using a condom if we do anal instead. I tell him I’m not really in the mood for that today, and we carry on. I officially have ‘the ick’. He doesn’t feel like a safe place anymore (sexually). I don’t feel as comfortable as I once did. This feels like a relationship-breaking issue. Even if not immediately but in the long run. Could some kind of counseling or therapy fix this?