Lost!! Struggling with my husband who calls out names during sex

I’m lost!! My husband is twisted in the head!!

I have been with my husband (now) past 10 years, married for 3 years and just had a baby last year. Also this is my first post of Reddit because I don’t know where to go or what to do? In these past 10 years he has cheated on me and had several one night stands this happened while we were dating. After marriage I haven’t been able to catch him red handed but he def goes to massage parlours for happy endings. Past one month everytime we have sex while being drunk he calls out various females names whom we know and it is just so fuckingggg disturbing. He also asks me while in the act to imagine some random dudes we know fucking me?? Like wtf?? He crossed the line last night when he named a friends wife we were hanging out with earlier in the evening. I don’t understand how twisted his brain is or how he looks at women? I’m so judgmental of him right now!! He loves me like crazy but I don’t understand this side of him?? Are all men the same?? Because all my friends tell me men do various things in various degrees?? Am I just to accept this or what to do? I’m extremely hurt and all those flashbacks return to me when he cheated on me. We’re married now and have a little baby, I just can’t seem to look at my husband the same way anymore. I’m lost?? Should this be a reason to break a marriage? What will do with my young baby. FYI I’m only 32 and this man is 42 and I’m so mad at him for ruining my youth!! Please help