My boyfriend keeps bringing up a movie scene when I don't hug him when he's sweaty.
To give context, my Bf (M23) always tells me that when I don't hug him when he's sweaty or dirty reminds him of that one movie scene from the kingsman where eggsy was covered in poo and the princess hugged him anyway. I always get frustrated when he says that, I don't always not hug him when he's that way. There are just times that I want to stay smelling fresh and nice because I have somewhere to go or maybe postpone a hug because I'm also sticky and don't want to be touched or when I just plain don't want to smell like sweat after taking a bath. PLUS, I know what that scene would smell like. I was in an unfortunate accident when I was kid where I fell into a canal with dirty water that's black, with floating dead rats, and diapers and other substances. I drank/inhaled the water and almost drowned. So, I know it wouldn't be nice. I just don't like that he compares me to that. I find it unfair. Oh and not to mention that he HATES the smell or having to clean poo. I love him, he knows that but I just want him to understand how unfair that sounds.