Why are arachnids always associated with reptiles and amphibian communities/hobbiest

I have massive arachnophobia and it’s impossible to learn or watch videos without being jump scared by these YouTubers. Watching a video on frogs and then BOOM “hey look at this cute guy coming out to say hi” no warning at all. Then I fling my phone out of my hand lol. Same with just scrolling through videos. Reptile YouTuber or terrarium building tuber and boom big freakin spider on the thumbnail. I’ve done so much to try and prevent me seeing them but nothing works. On Instagram and YouTube there is word filters and I have put all the basics. Arachnid, arachnophobia, tarantula, spider, spiders. And I still get videos, shorts, reels all the time. The worst is when I fall Asleep to a video and then wake up at 4 in the morning to a massive huntsman on my screen. So why are they associated with them?