Customer called me a lazy fuck for IDing him
Been lurking and reading tons of stories you guys share so I figured I'd tell one of my stories that happened just today.
I work at a smallish grocery store and the cigarettes are a quick walk (like 10 seconds) from the register to the service desk. As a cashier I can't check people out at the desk, only at my register. This dude is standing at the desk and I walk up there to see what he needs. Asks for cigs, I grab em and tell him he has to check out at my register. We get there and I ring up the couple sodas he had with him and then I ring up the cigs and ask for an ID. Immediately he gets annoyed and says he doesn't have it. I tell him that I can't sell without an ID. Then he pulls out some kind of military insurance card, idk what it is and idc what it is cause it doesn't even have a DOB on it so I can't even use it.
This customer seems like one of those bozos who don't take no as an answer from a cashier. So I call my manager over and have her look at the card. While she is looking the customer is pleading for us to take it. Saying we can take his card, he's never been ID'd in this store before, etc. She says we can't use it and I tell him I'm sorry we can't sell him cigarettes. He then looks at me and says I won't take it cause he made me walk over to the desk to get the cigs, calls me a lazy fuck, and tries to walk out with his unpaid soda. I'm processing what just happened and instinctively grab the bag and tell him he didn't pay for the sodas. He just lets go of the bag and walks out.
Due to my almost 7 years of working retail, these kinds of interactions don't really mess with me. Customers can still get under my skin but this particular guy didn't. Is it fucked up a person is treating me like this? Yeah, absolutely. But I mostly find it embarrassing for the customer and laugh it off. Anyway, I love reading y'all's stories from retail so I decided to share. Hope it was a fun read.