is sugar cookie a rebound release?
i dont know why i just thought of this, but the thought wont leave me alone. i personally think that sugar cookie’s release was never meant to be a valentine’s day thing. i think it’s a rebound release to make up for what the lip shapes didn’t achieve. i’m sure they had a certain amount of profit projected when releasing the lip shapes, and they were a completely new item that was getting teased for a long time. but then they dropped, and people were dissatisfied with the quality and the prices, which is why they didn’t sell out the way other things usually do.
sugar cookie felt a little rushed (to me) considering the lip shapes have been out for less than a month, and imo, they’re the using the “fomo/fearing mongering” limited edition marketing so people stock up on it and sell it out. it would’ve been perfect for valentine’s day, but it barely missed it by only four days (which is why i think it was rushed, just poor planning). it feels like a rebound, like they’re trying to make the lowkey bad press lip shape got away.
or maybe, considering they can’t stock to save their lives, they just didn’t have enough stock to announce it.
this is just speculation, pls don’t come for me 🙏🏽