Toumani Camara: In-depth College Analysis & pre-Draft Comps (Charts & Graph)

Not a Blazers fan but Camara has been hard to ignore! I wanted to give him some recognitions and give my breakdown of Camara's game using his college statistics and his 'Ceiling - best case scenario' - so you know the kind of player I think ya'll may be getting, data is derived from my computed college percentiles (scales by Per 40) per draft classes.

Comp: Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

Camara's Shooting chart [look at the Percentile Column], and every Pro categories are basically everything MKG excels at as well - and some even better than MGK. Remember this is the college MKG #2 overall pick coming out of college and is no slight to Camara at all!


  • Elite Rebounding (96th Percentile in DReb)
  • Slasher (90th Percentile in Dunks/CloseShot)
  • Efficient Shooting (88th Percentile in TS%/eFG%)
  • Def Stops (97th Percentile is ELITE)


  • 3PT Shooting (38th Percentile is below average), but isn't unredeemable.



"Off Rebounding Defender" Chart

  • All SFs past 5 drafts and their Off Rebounding/Defensive Stops
  • Camara and MGK really stands out in these categories along names like Jaime Jaquez and Herbert Jones.

"Defensive Metrics" Bar Graph

Let me know what ya'll think of these comps, especially whether or not it matches your eye test? Or if there's another comp that comes to mind!

You can find/generate the data yourself on my website You can follow me (@draftcasual) on Twitter/X as well!