Do you think Nioh/Wo Long/Ninja Gaiden and ROTR are in the same universe?
Finally playing ROTR after so long(I refuse to buy a ps for personal reasons) and really enjoying it. Only just done the opening areas and first zone but one thing I realized is that it had no seemingly obvious connection to the mentioned titles. From what I know ROTR takes place 250 years after Nioh 2, which could also be theorized that the events of Nioh 2 base game/DLC essentially eliminated Yokai forever from entering the living realm of Japan and led to this era where it modernized and guardian spirits/spiritual belief in general seemed to have died off as a whole, but certain things did not like the use of weapons like dual hatches(fought a guy that had them), dual swords, katana, ect. But other weapons like switchglaive did not make it in. I also mentioned Wo Long because that had an object similar to amrita which essentially did the same thing, just with a different name. And its already been established Ninja gaiden is infact in the same universe as Nioh.
Spoiler marker in there incase someone hasnt played Nioh/Nioh 2 and plans to.
What's your thoughts on this?