The reason the kill time achievements look insane to the majority of players is because...

They are balanced around dummy stalling, stalling abilities off a dummy (or a different target) and using darkness to stall along with escape/dive (look at any record video such as solak and they do this) and just having as many buffs as possible at the start.

I've never stalled off dummies, even 3-5 soul stacks, or something like dragon battle axe special. Never fealt natural or "cool" to me. Felt cheesy. We even had a jmod call using dummies in boss instances "dummy cheese" yet here we are, balancing around dummies, instead of addressing it.

Idk why we act like stalling on dummies and exploiting = skill. It's like the people saying "that guy is really good at pvm" for 1 ticking normal mode arch glacor. It is just doing the same spread sheet gaming that you can probably get if you just ask around.

It is a bit jarring how we never had any combat betas (as jagex said there would be), or sanctum group mode buffs, or scaling group mode to be a thing with things such as elite dungeons. Instead, it is just dummy stall and instantly kill things, the game. Seems this is here to stay instead of dialing down the game so we can actually witness boss mechanics for once, the thing that actually takes skill, instead of "input keys and you instant win".

tl;dr, I wish the issues with combat, such as stalling abilities in an unnatural way, buff stacking before a boss fight, and dummies, were addressed before combat achievements. If they were addressed, the kill times would be more realistic, as the majority of players, even high end players, do not dummy stall or use these unnatural ability stalls. Instead, we call it "skillful" and to "get gud". The same argument is used on why necromancy is "fine", because the majority of records aren't with necromancy, due to it being incapable of doing this unnatural ability stall styles such as melee/ranged can do to such an extent. I guess that is how we are balancing the game? Lol.