Fallling back in love with sales

Deliberately drastic title, but that's how it feels these days.

I started out in sales when I was still in high school, and had a ton of sales related jobs through my late twenties. My first full time job was selling cars, and although I was really good at it, the dealership I worked at went further and further down the fraud-light rabbit hole until I just absolutely had to get out. By the end I was barely selling anything, and I landed at my first software sales job totally demotivated from that experience, and underperformed. After a layoff hit me during the pandemic, I completely avoided relying on commission because I just couldn't take the stress anymore.

When I realized that my pandemic era job was likely going to come to an end, I started looking around and again was avoiding sales. You can see this in my post history, I was really kind of grasping for anything I could do other than trying to sell a product or service. Once I eventually realized that base salaries are much more reasonable now, I began to see a new job in sales as a necessary evil. I wasn't excited about the jobs, but I was excited about the money for the first time in a while.

I got a job selling for a recruiting and staffing company. For the first few weeks and months I had my ears pricked for unsavory, illegal, or immoral practices, because I wasn't willing to put myself in the position of fucking people out of their money like I so often felt I did at the dealership. Because a lot of our employees are on contracts, I also didn't want concerns about safety keeping me up at night.

It might sound cheesy, but this job has absolutely changed everything for me. I sort of feel like I was built to be a B2B territory rep. I've gotten to develop really trusting relationships with my first clients that I can't wait to nurture over years and years. It's what I always wanted sales to be, and what I felt like it could be if I didn't have a manager trying to force me to fuck people out of every last dollar I could at every turn. Maybe this is just a function of finally getting out of automotive. Fuck that industry.

I'd been living off of $54,000 a year for the last 4 years. This month I grossed $8,000. The next couple months are still in flux, but I will very likely gross around 25k between December and January, and who knows what I'll be earning by the middle of next year. My management doesn't fuck with me, they don't question my expense reports, they don't question why I sent 50 cookies to a facility instead of a dozen, essentially they actually trust me with some small amount of power, which is something I just didn't think was possible for me before this job. The money is great, but not being fucked with by some manager who doesn't know my clients from Adam is by far the best part.

I always just feel like such a dick head if I try to explain this to people in my real life because it just feels like I'm bragging about making more money now, but it's so much more than that. Sales is by far the most natural job for me-- anything else is crazy hard and I generally don't perform all that well. I'm just really grateful to have finally found something I can see myself doing for 20 years, whether that happens or not.