Sudden Death of an S23 Ultra ( black screen, wouldn't turn on )

Yesterday evening while sitting on the toilet - I dropped my phone. It dropped 3 feet down to the soft tile and landed flat on its back. It was honestly a very gentle fall, so I was surprised it even did anything. The phone turned off and would not turn back on.

I tried all the usual steps -

  1. Plug in & wait
  2. Hold power & vol down for 3 1/2 hours
  3. Hold power & vol up for 6 days
  4. Tapping, generally jostling the device around

No luck. The way it coincided with the fall made me think it had to be mechanical in nature somehow.

So I pop the back off, take the 5 tiny screws out, disconnect all the little connectors from the board and go to remove the battery. Go to take the battery out and am met with too much resistance so I stop afraid I'd break something. Plug all the connectors back onto the board and move everything back into place and try the power - fires up no problem.

I don't know if this is common problem, but my assumption is that one of those connectors from the battery to the board on the phone came a bit loose when it dropped causing it to stop working.

Moral of the story is that I've youve tried everything else - pop it open and completely remove the battery & put it back in. I would not recc this if you don't feel comfortable with electronics as the connectors are small and the wires are thin - all very easy to break. Also most importantly if you are under warranty I would completely avoid doing this as it will likely void that warranty. This was a last resort for me, as mine was up. Wanted to share this so the next poor soul might find this before giving up & writing the phone off as broken.