Desperately need good vet recommendations

Hey all. Since November 6th, my 14 year old kitty, who prior to this day has been nothing but the picture of health, suddenly fell ill and has dropped almost all of her weight. We’ve taken her to the emergency vet, and her regular vet twice (3 total vet visits) and have received no answers. She is able to keep water down, but is unable to keep food down without giving her anti nausea meds. We gave her anti nausea meds around 5pm yesterday, fed her a few hours later, and she was able to keep it down. Gave her food this morning, and she was fine. Gave her food around 1:30, and she threw it up. She’s practically skin and bones now and we still have no idea what’s wrong with her. We got bloodwork done — no kidney disease or hyperthyroidism, but unfortunately cannot afford an ultrasound (they quoted us $1200, which is a lot for me as a 24 year old who already took her to the vet 3 times.)

Does anyone have a trusted vet in any area of San Diego but preferably near the poway area? Our usual vet we trust (Colony Vet in La Jolla) is unfortunately out of town until the end of the month and I want to take her to get her seen by someone that actually cares about pets and isn’t just trying to milk you for money. This has been the case for me with every other vet I’ve seen.

Sorry for the long read. I’ve been stressed out of my mind as I don’t feel like she’s a dying cat — she still accepts belly rubs and scratches and is drinking water and urinating fine. Any help is appreciated. Thanks