San Francisco gym quality

Maybe controversial topic, but In the past couple of years, I’ve tried so many gyms in SF, from YMCA to Planet Fitness to Equinox. Why is that commercial gyms in SF so outdated, cramped at every given hour, and have such limited hours? You could pay anywhere between $50 to $100 and have the same experience, but if you go down the peninsula the quality gets so much better, which is what I’ve resorted to. I got tired of paying for equinox (even with a grandfathered price) but when I switched to fitness sf/24hr/ city sports I just felt like I could go to a Crunch down the peninsula and pay for less.

Is it because they know people will pay that much? Why is there no decent gyms in SF? And, i do workout classes and run at the embarcadero/ggp/etc but sometimes I just want to go the gym 😭 I also do have Active and Fit Direct which saves me some money.