Give me your favorite headcanons.
This post is kind of an excuse to share mine but I want to hear yours too. Can be canon-compliant or not. Sorry in advance for the amount of mallick/pintshipping stuff.
Mallick likes to write poetry because it's calming and helps him cope. He'll sometimes write poetry about the three who died in the trap in order to immortalize them.
Mallick stims and fidgets a lot when he's nervous, and when Brit notices she lets him hold her hand and that helps him feel better. He's autistic as well (this one is a bit of projection)
After the trap, Brit and mallick eventually got married and they wear their wedding rings on their scarred hands because it feels more intimate. They also adopted a cat. They volunteer at places sometimes as they attempt to be better people. Mallick also got a job in fast food because he was tired of feeling useless, plus he learned to cook in order to be a good househusband for Brit.
Mallick was a loner in school and always got along better with the teachers than other kids.
Hoffman loves the little trap dioramas and tries to make sure they're as accurate as possible. Sometimes Amanda will mess one of them up and see how long it takes him to notice.
Adam tries to pet every stray cat he sees and gets sad when they run away sometimes.
William often buys little gifts for Pamela.
Amanda is really good with kids. Hoffman tries to be, but kids tend to just find him scary.
Lawrence's cartoonishly evil persona in 3D was a coping mechanism and a way to suppress sadness and other negative emotions.
Strahm wouldn't hesitate to headbutt someone.